What We Do
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The Burnaby ECD Community Table is committed to supporting and planning ECD programs and services that:
- Recognizes, respects, and promotes the strengths of families and individuals;
- Builds on existing formal and informal supports (informal means other community supports outside of traditional ECD programs/services i.e. safe places to take our children or places for opportunities to learn, etc.);
- Focuses on early intervention;
- Includes accessible, universal, and integrated services;
- Recognizes and values the diversity of the Burnaby community.
Guiding Principles
- Inclusiveness
- Openness
- Accessibility
- Equity
- Collaboration
- Respect
- Accountability
- Strengths-Based Approaches
- Best Practices
- Membership
- Members of the Burnaby Early Childhood Development Community Table are dedicated individuals representing agencies that work diligently to support and enhance services, programs and learning opportunities for families with children in the early years (Birth to age 6) in Burnaby.
Meetings and Action Teams
The Burnaby Early Childhood Development Community Table meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The Table has action teams who meet regularly to work on various projects. The actions teams include the following:
- The Communication Action Team – Plans, develops and oversees activities and materials related to increasing education and awareness of early childhood development.
- The Neighbourhood Action Team – Works with identified neighbourhoods and communities to assist in strengthening the existing resources and supports for young children and their families. Provides information that will assist the Table in planning and coordinating service for 0-6 years.
Projects Accomplished To-Date
- Developed a 5-year Strategic Action Plan aimed at local community action.
- Targeted a neighbourhood project in the Edmonds/12th Avenue and Windsor neighbourhoods to help families learn about and access neighbourhood resources and supports. Developed a Neighbourhood ECD Asset Map to distribute to families through community organizations, service providers, building managers, and faith organizations.
- Published community brochures and parenting articles in several newspapers in a variety of languages, including English, Korean, Chinese and Farsi.
- Developed an Early Childhood Development Hub at Lochdale Community School with funding received funding from the Ministry for Children and Family Development. Current programs include a Kindercare (South Burnaby Neighbourhood House) and recreation programs (Burnaby Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services).
- Distributed Early Childhood Development funds to various programs in Burnaby including Mother Goose, Family Literacy Centres, Family Drop-Ins, Story Times, and Multilingual calendars in collaboration with United Way.
- Updated the website, and populate a Facebook page.
- Developed brochures and flyers to promote the ECD Community Table and Early Childhood Development activities in Burnaby.
- Developed an online google map of Burnaby programs and services.
- Helped develop the Burnaby Children’s Charter and Action Planning Guide.
Past and Present Activities
- Target Burnaby neighbourhood for another neighbourhood project
- Ongoing development of the ECD Hub at Lochdale Community School.
- Developing communications and marketing materials.
- Hold our annual Play to Learn! event in February.
- Promote and action the Burnaby Children’s Charter.
- Continue to use socio-demographic and service provider information to set priorities and plan activities and events.
- Organize an annual service provider or parent free educational workshop.